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  • Mrs Hamilton

What have you been reading?

Updated: Apr 9, 2020

It is unusual for me to finish a book so quickly during term time - but lockdown has meant that I am devouring books - as well as every morsel of food in the house! Now the holidays are upon us, I can see a whole heap of reading opportunities opening up before me. Rereading the amazing Ghost Hawk by Susan Cooper has been a highlight of the last week. How had I forgotten about this treasure? A couple of you expressed a wish to read a book about early American settlement to follow on from our class text, Holes. Well, this is a great contender! I did leave a copy of this text in our book corner - but if you didn't pick it up then, I highly recommend you give it a try now. The opening sentence of the blurb paints a picture that is all the more poignant at the moment:

'In the winter of his eleventh year, Little Hawk goes deep into the forest, where he must endure a three-month test of solitude and survival which will turn him into a man.

But outside the woods, the world is changing. English settlers are landing on the shores of the New World, and tensions between native tribes and the invaders are rising.

Little Hawk’s fate becomes irreversibly entwined with that of John, a young English boy who dares to question intolerance. He is witness to a secret murder – will he now be witness to bloodshed between nations?'

If you have a Kindle or another type of ebook, and you like the sound of this tale, consider downloading it rather than ordering a paper copy. This way, you are helping to reduce the number of deliveries that are coming to your home - and you also get to enjoy it instantly!

I would love to hear about what you have been reading! If you have a book to recommend please ask your adult to email me and I will include you in a future post. Let's all help each other to be even better read during this period of isolation. And why stop there? If you want to spread the word about a book, post a review about it on Amazon. What better way to write for a purpose and reach a wider audience? If you decide to do this, you will need to ask your adult to help you, and ensure you do not share any personal details about yourself in your review. Let us know on here if you do end up doing that - we'd love to read your opinions and share your review on the blog.

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